An Interview with Riki Rachtman

We caught up with Riki Rachtman on December 5th, 2022, as he prepared to depart to do some more spoken work shows. Rachtman is taking his one man spoken word show ‘One Foot In The Gutter’ to 5 major cities [info on the official page link below]. We’ve spoken with Riki before for KNAC.COM in 2019, when he was promoting his Cathouse Hollywood Podcast. Today he’s plugging the spoken word dates. Lots of cool stuff here, his love for coffee, Lemmy, the “November Rain” music video, Pantera, Carolina Panthers, W.A.S.P., the future of The Cathouse Hollywood Podcast, and more. Comment, share and subscribe.

Interviewer: Ruben Mosqueda
Edited by: Mike Lewis

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