Elitist: Copenhagen Death Metal Unit Signs with Indisciplinarian for November Release Of Debut LP

photo by Niklas Jørgensen

Copenhagen, Denmark-based death metal unit ELITIST has signed with countrymates Indisciplinarian for the November release of their savage debut LP, A Mirage Of Grandeur, today unveiling the cover art, track listing, preorders, and lead single “Vacuous Magnificence.”

Conceived in 2018 by current and former members of underground acts such as Piss Vortex, Dysgnostic, and UxDxS, ELITIST is a forward-thinking death metal monstrosity. After years of preparation, the band is now proud to present A Mirage Of Grandeur.

ELITIST brings something different to the table within the booming Danish death metal scene, effortlessly melding jagged, angular riffs and leads with relentless blast beats and frenetic, dexterous basswork. At the center of the chaos, everything is held together by a dual vocal attack ranging from cavernous bellows to desperate shrieks. The result is a musical expression that stays true to its death metal roots, while simultaneously drawing inspiration from the punishing brutality of grindcore and the industrial clamor of noise rock. This unorthodox approach and willingness to experiment is what sets ELITIST apart from their immediate peers.

Thematically, A Mirage Of Grandeur is a scathing critique of social, political, and cultural elitism and superiority. In the words of the band themselves, “It is the central thesis of the album that boundless arrogance and contempt for perceived lessers is customary among the self-satisfied decision-makers and gatekeepers of our time. Therefore, A Mirage Of Grandeur is dedicated to those who are utterly convinced of their own magnificence and therefore have nothing to spare for the undeserving; those who believe that their status makes them untouchable; those who would simply prefer to shrug at the oncoming catastrophes facing humanity. This album is for you.”

A Mirage Of Grandeur was recorded and mixed by engineer Lars Mayland, mastered by Colin Marston (Krallice, Gorguts, Dysrhythmia), and completed with artwork by Tobias Holmbeck (Narcosatanicos, Ashenspire, Telos).

The first single from the record arrives in the shape of “Vacuous Magnificence,” a prime example of the band’s singular approach to death metal as can be heard unfolding over the forthcoming album’s eight tracks which thematically deals with the perverse and lethal delusions of the elites, the rich and powerful.

Listen to ELITIST’s debut A Mirage Of Grandeur single “Vacuous Magnificence” RIGHT HERE.

A Mirage Of Grandeur will be released on November 17th on CD and digital via Indisciplinarian, while Copenhagen death metal label Extremely Rotten Productions will release the cassette version the same day. Indisciplinarian will release a limited vinyl version in 300 gold copies on January 13th, 2024.

Find preorders for the vinyl HERE and CD HERE, and find digital preorders/presaves HERE.

Elitist 2023

A Mirage Of Grandeur Track Listing:

1. Propagating Suffering
2. Vacuous Magnificence
3. Deluded Fallacies Spew From Rancid Mouths
4. False Lives
5. Funneled into Oblivion
6. Ahistorical Pride
7. Sustaining Collapse
8. Onslaught Of Irrelevance


Thomas Fischer – vocals, bass
Simon Stenbæk Christensen – vocals, guitars
Rasmus Moesby Sørensen – guitars
Niclas Sauffaus – drums

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