Guiltless: Decibel Magazine Streams Thorns Debut EP From New Band; Record Sees Release Friday on Neurot Recordings


This Friday, Neurot Recordings will unveil Thorns, the debut recordings from GUILTLESS – the new band formed by members of A Storm Of Light, Intronaut, Generation Of Vipers, Battle Of Mice, and more – and Decibel Magazine is hosting an advance stream and dissection of the EP.

A new voice steps forward to put our concerns and frustrations into words; that voice is GUILTLESS. Picking up where A Storm Of Light left off, GUILTLESS was born from a love of experimental rock, noise rock, early industrial, sludge, and doom. The band is embodied by Billy Graves (Generation Of Vipers, A Storm Of Light) on drums, Dan Hawkins (A Storm Of Light) on guitar and noise, Sacha Dunable (Intronaut) on bass, and Josh Graham (A Storm Of Light, Battle Of Mice, Neurosis’ former visual artist) on guitar, vocals, and noise.

GUILTLESS creates apocalyptic soundscapes in their imaginings of the surreal return to proto-human society, as well as what life might be like for the survivors of the next mass extinction event on Thorns. Human singularity, a third world war, scorching deserts, rising seas – it’s all coming for us. We’re all guiltless. We’re all blameless. Through this cycle of destruction and rebirth, GUILTLESS believes that art and music can give us solace or help us exercise our demons. GUILTLESS can be that cathartic release.

Thorns was individually recorded by the band members, mixed by Josh Graham who also handled the art/visuals, and mastered by Brad Boatright at Audiosiege (Yob, Author & Punisher, Great Falls).

Graham reveals, “Thorns is our first collective journey as GUILTLESS, and we’re all happy to finally have these songs out in the world. We are hard at work on our first full-length now and looking forward to playing live. Big thanks to Neurot Recordings, Earsplit, Rarely Unable, and Brad Boatright at Audiosiege.

The EP stream is also joined by a track-by-track breakdown of the record by Graham.

Decibel writes, “Though they’re a new band, GUILTLESS are no strangers to the worlds of post metal and artsy rock… the band members draw upon their shared love for noise rock, sludge and heavy experimental music on their debut EP, Thorns.” The write-up continues, “Thorns fits snugly into the post-metal category. Thunderous low-end, deep, roaring vocals, and rhythmic, almost tribal at times, drumming are on display here, along with dark, crushing guitar leads… If you’re familiar with Neurot Recordings or their parent band Neurosis, you probably have an idea of what to expect on the EP.”

Stream GUILTLESS’ entire Thorns EP early only at Decibel Magazine RIGHT HERE.

Thorns will be released on CD, MC, and digital through Neurot Recordings this Friday, February 23rd with the vinyl arriving in June. All physical formats are unique, spray-painted, hand-stamped, hand-numbered, with special paper elements. Find preorders for all formats and merch HERE.

Expect more news from GUILTLESS soon as the band plots sporadic live actions and constructs their debut LP.

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